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Monday, October 19, 2009

In's and Outs of Plumbing

Looking good as of today...walls ripped out and plumbing on the move. We have a good group of guys moving on the project. You definitely get what you pay for and the value of professionals that really know their "craft" is imperative in any business, especially in construction. If you don't have a good, solid contractor, that moves the crew and spends time wisely, your screwed. And when guys are walking around looking for direction, its not good. Time is money and the longer a job takes the more money is spent and more than likely it's coming from your (the owners) pocket. So put your money into the people that sometime give a higher bid, deal with the teams that have been in business for 20+ years. More than likely they have great relationships with the city and they hire professional subs to come and do the job. Corners can be cut but be careful, don't hit people where it hurts with their pay, just go and dig holes, pour concrete yourself.

Remember: Everyone needs to earn a living and when you mess with people's money, you mess with their families and their lively hood. Let's see how good the work is after you pull some shady moves with your electrician or architect...your building might look like something out of the movie The Money Pit with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long. Bathtubs falling through ceilings, doorbells shorting out on your fingers and working out of Swiss cheese with a door!!!
--We have all been there :)

Cracking up...Enjoy!!